Zoom – Benedetta Falugi

Zoom – Benedetta Falugi

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on Oct 10, 13 • by • with Comments Off on Zoom – Benedetta Falugi

Benedetta Falugi is a young photographer who approached photography in a rather casual way, by taking pictures of furniture for online sale. Once she found out about this passion, Falugi started her personal research which is aimed at the places of the heart and people living there. Her clean style, the choice of warm colors and enchanting atmospheres characterize her works. For the series “Il Cotone,” the artist investigates a beloved reality, that is the industrial zone and the working class neighborhood in Piombino, which is indeed known as “il Cotone” and where her grandfather lived and worked. Here we can find a subtle narrative in which it is possible to read the will of being close to each other and joining forces to go on. Large menacing clouds coming from factories appear in clear skies; however, they don’t disturb the apparent though built with difficulty tranquility of those who see them looming over their heads. “Il Cotone”, which is still a work in progress, is a sensitive project showing Benedetta Falugi’s ability to reach the heart of both the subjects she portrays and of beholders.












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